Monday, June 21, 2010

Do chapstick & lipgloss ever expire? How long do they stay good for?

I have like 20 unused sticks of chapstick %26amp; lipgloss from 3 yrs. ago.Do chapstick %26amp; lipgloss ever expire? How long do they stay good for?
chapstick can really never go bad i think, unless the caps aren't

on the whole way and the actual balm gets dry and hard.

lipgloss can last a couple months, or unless it has a bad odor,

or dry and chunky.Do chapstick %26amp; lipgloss ever expire? How long do they stay good for?
I dont know.

I think when you first get them they are very smooth but over the days? months? years? they will collect fluff

They might also have germs on so I would buy a new one.

By the way

Experiment with different colours then you will find the colour that suites you. If you find the right colour buy 3 more the same colour but slightly lighter or darker.

Yes I think they might go (badish) after 3 months mabye. Ask the shop where you buy them from if they do expire etc.

Find the brand that you bought's website + Q%26amp;A page and ask when you should throw out.

With lipgloss tubes the gunk inside will collect up on the lid and the mouth of the tube so clean them regluarly.

I think it depends on what brand it is . If its a good one then it wont go bad until very long.

Gd luck

Find the websites of all of them and ask.
lipstick is 3 months i think

and i think lip gloss is just til it gets old or dried up//gunky

answer mine please?;鈥?/a>
i dont think chap stick expires. im not sure if theres ne thing in it that would do that... bu idk fer sure

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