Monday, June 21, 2010

Where does it say the flavor of Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush lipgloss?

When me and my mother went shopping on Saturday, she picked out two lipglosses from Victoria's Secret's Beauty Rush line. I know one is a clear minty lipgloss [Minty lipshine. In a white tube] but for the pink lipgloss I can't find the flavor.

Where does it say what flavor the lipgloss is?Where does it say the flavor of Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush lipgloss?
Mine said it on a little section below the pricing bar code. So if the label was peeled off, you may have to go by smell! (Or taste)Where does it say the flavor of Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush lipgloss?
go on their website and find it. it shouldve said on the price sticker.
on the back, near the price.

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