Monday, November 30, 2009

How long could you survive for on lipgloss alone?

Would it prolong your life, compared to if you totally starved?How long could you survive for on lipgloss alone?
Lipgloss can be made in many different ways. Often it has a digestible oil in it so that may extend life a bit.

Hunger strike prisoners (continue to drink water) who were healthy when they started their strike survive about 55 days. If you have unlimited lipgloss with some kind of digestible oil I would say a couple more weeks to a couple more months.How long could you survive for on lipgloss alone?
I am pretty sure you can live off of this and nothing else for no more than 14 months and no less than 6 months. Good luck!

Since it's not food, the rule of 3's applies

3 weeks with no food

3 days with no water

3 mins with no oxygen
exactly 32 mins.

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